Our practice is limited to the specialty of Obstetrics & Gynecology, which is the examination, diagnosis and treatment of women's health problems.
On-Call Physician
We encourage you to call the office when you have a problem or a question. The best time to call for non-emergencies is 8-10 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. when your records are readily available and the receptionist will either schedule an appointment or channel your call to the proper person.
Prescription Refills
We encourage patients needing prescription refill or authorization for prescription renewals be made during office hours. This enables the physician to review your chart to make sure that a refill is the best course of treatment. It is also a good idea to have your pharmacist's phone number available in case we want to discuss the medication with the pharmacist.
If you call concerning a laboratory report or progress report on your condition, we will try to give you a specific date and time to call so the doctor who is primarily concerned with your problem will be available to discuss it with you at that time.
All your medical records are confidential. We will release the records or any parts of them only if you give us a written authorization. No matter what the circumstances, we will not release the records unless we have some notification from you that you wish us to do so.
Our receipts are designed to be used for insurance purposes. Our insurance department will fill insurance claims obstetrical and surgical care for your convenience.
Our fees reflect the high quality care you will receive as well as the high level of training we have undergoing to extend this care to you. The fees are within the customary range for this area with standardized charges for various procedures. The fees are listed in the office and are available to you at all times. If you have any questions about fees, please discuss them with our office manager. Charges for office visits are usually paid at the time of the visit; however if you wish to be billed, you may discuss this with the office manager.
We recommend that you discuss fees for obstetrical care and gynecology surgery with our office manager and arrange a payment schedule that will be convenient and acceptable. The office manager will be happy to discuss any and all fees with you.